

Ryo Yoshida

Professor (Director)

【Area of expertise:】
Bayesian inference, machine learning, materials informatics.


Stephen Wu

Associate Professor

【Area of expertise】
Bayesian inference, bioinformatics, materials informatics, machine learning, molecular dynamics, earthquake engineering.


Yoshihiro Hayashi

Assistant Professor

【Area of expertise】
Computational chemistry, polymer chemistry, catalyst chemistry.

Masato Onishi

Project Associate Professor

【Area of expertise】
Nano thermal engineering.

Liu Chang

Project Assistant Professor

【Area of expertise】
Materials engineering, informatics, statistical science, deep learning, computational science.

Keiko Shinoda

Project Assistant Professor

【Area of expertise】
Biophysics, molecular dynamics.

Kaoru Kimura

Project Researcher
(National Institute for Materials Science)

【Area of expertise】
Materials science, solid state physics, quasicrystals.

Aiko Takahashi

Project Researcher

【Area of expertise】
Topology, Japanese modern art history.

Erina Fujita

Project Researcher

【Area of expertise】
Materials informatics, database.

Wang Ziwei

Project Researcher

【Area of expertise】
Deep learning and molecular dynamics.

Hironao Yamada

Project Researcher
(Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics)

【Area of expertise】
Biological physics, molecular dynamics, biomolecule.

Yoh Noguchi

Project Researcher
(Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)

【Area of expertise】
Biological physics, molecular dynamics, biomolecule, molecular structure.

Minoru Kusaba

Project Researcher
(National Institute for Fusion Science)

【Area of expertise】
Machine Learning, Statistical Science, Materials Informatics, Fusion Science

Junichiro Shiomi

Visiting Professor
(The University of Tokyo)

【Area of expertise】
Molecular thermal engineering.

Junko Morikawa

Visiting Professor
(Institute of Science Tokyo)

【Area of expertise】
Thermal analysis, thermophysical characteristics.